Jack's Dream Exakta's Page

(Click on the Thumbnail Photos to see a larger photo)


Camera: Exakta Varex Junior (Prototype)

Serial #:00

Finder: Hooded

Lens: None

Serial #: N/A

Photo Courtesy of Clément Aguila

Camera: Exakta VX with Additional Front Release (Prototype)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: Hooded

Lens: None

Serial #: N/A



Camera: Exakta Varex VX with Variable Synchronization Switch (Prototype)

Serial #:

Finder: Hooded

Lens: None

Serial #: N/A




Camera: Goldene Exakta Varex VX (Ultra Rare)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: Hooded

Lens: E. Ludwig Meritar 50mm f2.9 (gold plated)

Serial #: 1328374



Camera: Elbina Super (Prototype)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: Hooded

Lens: None

Serial #: N/A



Camera: Exakta Diamant (Prototype)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: Prism

Lens: Ihagee Anastigmat 5.4cm f3.5

Serial #: N/A




Camera: Kine-Exakta with TTL Meter (Prototype)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: Prism

Lens: N/A

Serial #: N/A




Camera: Elbaflex VX 500 (Prototype)

Serial #: N/A

Finder: N/A

Lens: None

Serial #: N/A

NOTE: The above prototype and pre-production cameras on this page, unless other wise noted, are the property of the Dresden Technical Museum, Dresden, Germany.