Ultimate Exakta Repair
A CLA and New Curtains for Your Camera - VX/VXIIa
This is a thorough step-by-step manual with photographs accompanying each procedure in the book. You'll learn how to disassemble, clean, lubricate, replace shutter curtains, tune and reassemble your Exakta. Additional information covers tools, techniques, do's and don'ts, and chemicals. There are beginner, intermediate, advanced and master-level tips to improve your work. There's a plethora of information that until now, has never been published. As an important example of how not to repair a camera, I've included the photo series "Exakta Repair Fraud". The text in this publication is slightly oversize for two purposes: older Exaktaphiles may peruse the pages without need of magnification while younger readers may view the pages from a short distance as they work on their camera. Several neophyte repairmen have used the information in this book and completed a functional CLA with new curtains on their first try! I've been told it's likely the best repair manual ever written. I'm not much for gloating but I think you'll enjoy it! ;-)

A Review by the Editor of the Exakta Circle...
Comments from Readers...
Ultimate Exakta Repair, A CLA and New Curtains for Your Camera - VX/VXIIa
by Miles Upton
English Language
112 pages, 8.5 X 11 inches
Spiral Bound for Ease of Use
Monochrome Laser on High Quality, Acid-Free Paper
ISBN 0-9727857-0-1
This is the bound version of the popular Exakta VXIIA repair series that began on this website. I've edited the original work, included additional information and added just a few more photographs. I won't disillusion you with foolish and irresponsible statements like: "anyone can repair a camera, it's easy, send money". "Anyone" can do a poor job at camera repair but quality do-it-yourself repair takes patience, skill, intelligence and a good manual.
This book represents what any good DIY repair manual should be. It should take into consideration that not every reader has the same knowledge of any given subject. It should be specific to a given model (or very similar models) of camera. It shouldn't try to cover the complete output of one manufacturer with page after page of generalized comments, leaving the reader with more questions than answers. It should be spiral bound - I don't know how many manuals I've bent the spine on so they'll stay open!
If you aren't interested in repairing your Exakta, please take a look at the sample pages. I've used explicit, detailed photographs to provide a rare and interesting viewpoint of Ihagee industrial design. This is a new standard for repair manuals! ;-)
Price and Ordering Information

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