Berthiot Exakta Lens  

The optical giant, Angénieux, produced the majority of French lenses for the Exakta. SOM Berthiot produced lenses for the Exakta in focal lengths from 38 to 150mm. The 38mm Olor in Exakta mount is the only one so far in my collection.

Berthiot - Paris

One of the lesser known Exakta lens makers was the optical firm of Berthiot, Paris. They manufactured the SOM Berthiot 38mm f5.7 Olor for the 35mm Exakta. This rarely-encountered lens was last offered in the very early 1950's. It is a fully manual lens with f-stops from f5.7 to f32. It focuses as close as 3 feet.

Not only is this particular lens in spectacular condition, but it also came with the original SOM Berthiot Paris aluminum lens cap.


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