Exakta Sites: The following web sites I have frequently visited and have been valuable resources in the building of my collection and understanding of the Exakta family of cameras: U.S.A Sites Miles Upton - Exaktaphile - a good friend and most valuable Exakta resource, Miles is an expert Exakta repairman, a friendly guy and always has a lot of great Exakta information on his web site. Also be sure to check out his book on Exakta repairs, it's the definitive Exakta repair manual!!! (click on banner)
J. Andrzej Wrotniak - interesting site showing Andrzej's fine collection and his observations on the Exakta and Exa cameras. Steve Gandy's Camera Quest - very interesting site showing information on many different cameras, including Exakta. Roy Bachenheimer - valuable resource for Exakta parts (Varex through Varex IIb). Roy can be contacted via e-mail at Roymond@verizon.net. Ken Locke's Exakta Page - part of Ken's larger well done site, dealing with his Exaktas.
European Sites
Exakta Circle - large Exakta club site centered in the United Kingdom with many international members. (click on banner) Jo Daelmans' Exakta Page - see some of Joe's Exakta equipment here. (Text in Dutch) L'Exakta Ihagee Club de France - French collectors and enthusiasts group that has produced many excellent publications on the history of the Exakta. (Text in French) Fotoklub
Exakta Dresden - Large German Photo
Club based in Dresden, Germany. Many of its members are Exakta users.
(Text in German) Maurizio Frizziero's Exakta Pages - one of the larger Exakta sites with photographs and information on everything Exakta. Maurizio is currently updating the pages. Olaf's Exakta and Exa Pages - newest Exakta Web site on the Internet. Welcome Aboard Olaf from Capt. Jack. (Text in German) Peter
Heuschen - definitive information
on the Ihagee Kolpofot apparatus. (Text in German)
Peter Lanczak - excellent site with lots of historical information on the Exakta and its predecessors. Great section on the Exakta REAL Cameras. (Text in German or French) Peter Lausch - read what Peter has to say about the Exakta VX 1000 camera. (Text in German) Michael Sorms - Dresdner Kameras - extensive coverage of East German cameras with a nice Exakta Page. (Text in German) (Click on banner) ![]() Peter Mischur's Exa Site - view nice photographs of the Exa's in Peter's collection. (Text in German) Ekky Panneck - Ekky has some nice Exakta equipment and literature for sale - He's been in the business for many years!!! Frank Petermann's German Camera Site - nice site including several nice pages on Exaktas (Text in German) Klaus Rademaker - a prolific German Exakta collector and historian, he is the co-author (with Gary Cullen) of the recently released book, "Exakta Obscurities". Check out his site for Exakta rarities and other interesting items including his comprehensive list of Exakta and Exa model variations. (Text in German) Hugo Ruys' Ihagee.org - a knowledgeable Exakta historian. His site is home of an extensive ever-growing listing of all lenses made for the Exakta. Stephan Schulz's Meyer-Optik Lens Page - Stephan lists and displays photos of the various Meyer-Optik lenses made for the Exakta and M-42 mount cameras. There is also a photo gallery showing photos taken with some of the Meyer lenses. (Text in German) Kilfitt Lenses and Cameras - site that discusses and displays the complete line of Kilfitt/Zoomar lenses. Erick Stark's Exakta Page - residing in Moscow, Russia, Erick displays the Exaktas in his collection, along with photos taken with his cameras. Johan Steenbergen Biography - an interesting web page that details the life of the Exakta's creator, Johan Steenbergen. Vintage Camera On-Line - Peter Kroezen's site which lists many links to other photographic sites, world-wide.
Japanese Site Exakta User's Club - a nice Japanese Site with photos of the members' Exaktas. (Text in Japanese) (click on banner) Other Photo Sites: Capt. Jack's Rollei Site - visit my Rollei site on which my Rolleiflex SL35 collection is displayed. In addition on my for sale page, numerous rare Rollei cameras, accessories and other paraphernalia is for sale. (click on banner) Capt. Jack's Canonflex Site - visit my Canonflex Web Site covering the 4 different model Canonflex cameras, their lenses and accessories. (click on banner) Capt. Jack's Kodak Retina Pages - visit my Kodak Retina Rangefinder Camera Web Site for info on these interesting cameras, their lenses and accessories. (click on banner) Internet Directory of Camera Collectors - a forum for serious camera collectors, that includes a bibliography of serious collectors worldwide. (click on banner) Alberto Taccheo's Praktina Site - Alberto has an excellent web page on the Praktina SLR System, Exakta's cousin. Marco Antonetto's Topcon Site - an excellent site dedicated to the Topcon family of cameras. Marco is the author of a new book "The Topcon Story". Leon Schoenfeld's "The Topcon Collection" Site - an excellent site covering the later model Topcons, their lenses and accessories. Mike Otto's Praktica Collector - Contax/Pentacon Page - excellent site covering most of the East German SLR cameras with excellent coverage on the Contax/Pentacon cameras. Marco Antonetto's Rectaflex Site - an excellent site dedicated to the Italian Rectaflex cameras. Koh's Camera - Jimmy Koh is an expert repair person for Rollei, Bronica, Mamiya and other professional caliber items. He is a close friend and one of the greatest guys in the business. F&S Marriott - excellent UK site for used photo equipment. John Powell's - Rollei-Only Page - a great site for viewing an ever expanding Rollei collection. John is an avid Rollei collector who has purchased several scarce Rollei's from me including his mint Rolleiflex 2.8B. |