Captain Jack's Canonflex SLR Cameras  

© All items on this site are copyrighted and are not to be reproduced without the expressed permission of Captain Jack.


This web site is dedicated to the collecting, use and preservation of the original Canonflex Single Lens Reflex cameras.

In all, four Canonflex models were manufactured, the Original Canonflex, the Canonflex RP, the Canonflex R2000 and the Canonflex RM.

Never very popular when they were current, perhaps because of the bottom trigger wind (on the first three models) or the limited lens lineup in the wide angle range (only a 35mm f2.5 lens was offered) , the Canonflexes seem to be gaining popularity among collectors today. Clean, properly working cameras are getting more difficult to find everyday.





Follow the hyperlinks below to visit my Canonflex pages:

Original Canonflex

Canonflex RP (chrome)

Canonflex RP (black)

Canonflex R2000

Canonflex RM (chrome)

Canonflex RM (black)

Canonflex RM (Bell & Howell Variant)


Canonflex Lenses

Canonflex Accessories

Canonflex Literature


About Me

Canonflex Links Page