Komura Exakta High Speed Lens  

Rare 85mm f1.4 Komura

Komura manufactured lenses for most of the SLR's of their day. While they never produced an Exakta mount automatic diaphragm lens, they did produce one high-speed optic of note, the huge, 85mm f1.4 which they affectionately called their "Cat's-Eye" lens.

Featuring a preset diaphragm, the 85 f1.4 Komura is rather uncommon. It is the second fastest Exakta mount lens, with only the Taika 58mm Harigon f1.2 slightly faster.

The lens weighs in excess of 1.5 pounds and focuses down to 1 meter. It takes 67mm lens accessories. The second photo, with the lens mounted on a VX1000, gives you a better idea of just how big this chunk of glass is!!!


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